Blackbeard is dead, his loot lies unguarded. Sink or swim? It’s up to you.
Step onto a pirate galleon in the middle of a battle for control of the High Seas. Your captain, the terrifying Blackbeard, has just been killed and his ship is shot to pieces and sinking fast.
With no chance of victory, you and your scurvy shipmates decide to jump ship – after helping yourself to the contents of Blackbeard’s legendary treasure chest.
You’ve broken into his cabin to grab all you can, but now the door has jammed shut and you’ve just 60 minutes to escape; any longer and you’ll drown – if the sharks don’t get you first.
Difficulty: 5/10 (50% success rate)
BE AWARE: While you can book for less than 2 participants the game does require a minimum of 2 to play. Be sure you meet that requirement before your game. If you do not meet the 2 minimum requirement we may be able to move you to a different game (schedule permitting). If not we can move it to another day or time where you will hopefully have the minimum.
- How many 2 - 6
- How long 1 h 15 min
- How old PG (10+)
- Handicap accessible No
Pick one of our great games
Prepare for an intense hour of pulse-racing merrymaking