It’s that time of the year again.  The last quarter of the year.  Shortly after Halloween, you’ll get a brief opportunity to be thankful, visit family and friends and hopefully eat a bunch of home cooked food.   Literally, the day after Thanksgiving is officially Holiday season.

company holiday party

As a business, you generally want to take this time to lighten things up around the office by being festive, wearing Christmas sweaters and creating a fun and relaxed atmosphere.  Then, there’s the Holiday Party.  Every business has one.  How was your company holiday party last year? Did you reserve some banquet room at a fancy restaurant and some staff didn’t show?  Maybe you planned an actual party and realized most of your staff shouldn’t be drinking.

The real question is, was it beneficial?  Did your employees and shareholders enjoy themselves?  Was it a memorable event?  Would you do it again?  Were the company dynamics improved because of it?  If you answered no to any of those questions, you may want to consider a different type of corporate holiday party.

We believe team building should be a regular occurrence for all businesses and including some team building activities during the Holiday Party is a win for everyone involved.

Entire Staff is Available

Generally, everyone comes to the holiday party.  They are usually scheduled on weekends or after work hours.  Whether to schmooze with upper management or take advantage of the free drinks, all of the employees will usually show.  Give them a fun and informative time they won’t forget.

Most companies have several people operating in multiple roles.  How awesome would it be to leverage those different roles and personalities in an escape room?

Create a Culture of Togetherness

Understanding that most job roles don’t integrate with each other, an escape room creates the chance for relationship building.  On the day to day basis, accounting doesn’t engage with the production team and your sales force may not engage with the customer service department.

An escape room presents an opportunity to put random staff on teams to solve multiple problems quickly while having an amazing time doing it.  Customer service may soon realize those sales guys aren’t so bad after all.

Accomplish 2 Tasks with 1 Event

If you are having quarterly team building events (and you should), then it will be important to switch things around each time.  Team building, especially at your company holiday party, shouldn’t be boring.  In fact, says, “Spending time together, sharing an experience or working towards a common goal allows bonding to happen more organically and far more effectively”.  If your team is remotely located, a team building event at an escape room is a good opportunity to strengthen bonds by bringing everyone together face-to-face. The benefits can outweigh travel costs. Million Miles Secrets has created a helpful guide to reducing travel costs and continue the team building experience beyond the escape room.

For the sake of being efficient, how much time and resources would be saved if you had a successful team building event at your holiday party?

Have Your Holiday Party at Escape Hunt

We have three games; Theft of the Texas Lone Star, Murder in Marylbone and Houston We’ve Had A Problem (featured on KHOU).  All three are team games with challenging mental exercises that require teamwork and strategy to finish and win.  Book yours today.